Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9:00am -3:00pm
(Closed Wednesdays)
The office will be closed for the World Show
July 19 - August 1
Dun Factor
Dorsal Stripe

The stripe may be black, brown or red and will vary according to the body color. The stripe will run along the backbone from the withers to the base of the tail. Occasionally the dorsal stripe will not run the full length of the backbone. The more pronounced, the better. A dorsal stripe with prongs or barbs extending from the sides is considered better than one without.

Leg Barring

Horizontal stripes of varying widths appear across the hocks, inside and front of hind legs, back of the forearms and across the knee.

Shoulder Stripe

Transverse stripe over the withers running down from withers in varying widths and lengths. Occasionally more than one stripe is seen in different lengths. In some cases a large shadow effect is seen due to a large area covered or stripes close together forming the shadow.

Neck Shadowing

Neck shadowing is usually dark areas through the neck extending unto the hollow of the shoulder. Occasionally dark shadows will appear on the crest of the neck and dark lines will point down from the base of the mane.


Cobwebbing originates on the forehead. Lines extend in varying lengths over the forehead resembling a spider web. Occasionally lines extend from the eye in a misplaced “eyebrow” effect. Penciling may occur completely around the eye.

Ear Tipping / Ear Edging

Ends of ear darker than body color. Ears are usually outlined on the edges. The most pronounced of ears will have horizontal stripes on the back side.

Face Masking

Black, brown, or red shading on bridge of nose with same color usually around eyes. The masking effect may spread to the jaw and muzzle or be outlined around the lips and nostrils.

Mane / Tail Frosting

Light hairs on either side of the mane or interspersed throughout the mane. In the tail, light hairs appear in the dock of the tail. The frosted hairs may shed during the summer months in which case they would reappear during the fall and winter months. In some Buckskin horses, the frosting will appear as white hairs mixed through the black mane and tail.


This is not to be confused with dapples in the horse’s body. Mottling is found on the forearm, gaskin, shoulders, and stifle. It appears as a circular motif in shades darker than the body color. Mottling gives the appearance of “reversed dapples”. It is generally not found on the horse’s winter coat.